Klink Pyramide Zürich

Posted On 13 Jan 2016
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Klinik Pyramide am See

Bellerivestrasse 34
8034 Zürich

Telefon +41 44 388 15 15
Fax +41 44 381 26 26

Website: http://www.pyramide.ch/de/Klinik


Swiss Leading Hospitals

As a member of the Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH), we are committed to meeting strict and demanding quality standards. In SLH patient surveys, the Pyramid Clinic has been among the best in all categories for many years.

20 years of excellence for you

“It is impossible to miss the Pyramid Clinic at the Lake. A building made of glass and steel, striking and unshakeable, standing on solid ground. Those who enter in are greeted by ever more magnificent views, the higher they climb. But how did the clinic come to be?”

Exclusively yours

As an exclusive private clinic, the Pyramid Clinic is known for its excellence in medicine, state-of-the-art infrastructure, superb hospitality services, an individual approach to nursing and a high level of service.


Our affiliated specialists

The Pyramid Clinic is a private clinic run on the principle of affiliated specialists and dedicated to patient-focused medicine. We are proud of the partnership we have with around 120 affiliated specialists.

Our areas of expertise

We have a clear focus on selected surgical fields. The outstanding work of all our specialists has made our name famous as a leading private clinic well beyond the borders of Switzerland.


“Exclusivity requires that all services are of the highest quality and tailored to the patient’s needs or the specialist’s requirements.”